Jumping rope is one of the most demanding cardiovascular exercises you will ever have. Make sure you warm up adequately. Listen to your body, stop and go when you feel, as you GRADUALLY are able to extend the length of time you can jump.


Step on the middle of the rope with both feed together. The rope should go under the ball of your feet. Each handle should reach your arm pit. If it is too long - adjust the rope. If it is too short - get a new rope


The most important thing about jumping rope is graduating to the stage where you are jumping ONCE for each complete rotation of the rope. Once you are able to execute the basic jump, it is just a matter of time (patience and repetition) before you nail all the other maneuvers. Remember, the pace of the jump is controlled by the speed of your turning wrists. (The wrist is the motor and gets the rope around/The legs are the springs/getting you off the ground).


If executing the basic jump doesn’t happen right away for you, don’t panic, pretend you have the handle of the rope in each hand; turn the wrist in time with the beat of the music. Try to synch up the wrist and the feet-as your feet land on the beat, your hands will be pointed to the ground at the same time you land.

Put both handles of the rope in one hand and practice jumping in rhythm with the music while turning the rope. Do this for the duration of the basic jump and eventually you will teach your body to execute more efficiently.

  • One turn of the rope/one jump of the rope
  • Heel stays off the ground
  • Land on the ball of the foot
  • Knees slightly bend on impact
  • Hands stay waist level
  • Use the wrist as the motor
  • Keep back slightly rounded forward

2) SLOW AERO (if you have knee concerns, you may skip this move)

  • One turn of the rope/one jump of the rope, but slower than usual
  • The rope moves half the speed of your usual jump rope pace. Your jump is usually powered by the calves but with the “Slow Aero” use your quads, executing a deep knee bend every time you land
  • Don’t let your butt drop below knee level
  • Keep your leg muscles engaged at all times
  • Abs tight
  • Use the arms to turn the rope, not the wrist


Whenever you come across a maneuver you cannot master, go back to the move you were able to do and eventually you will build the reflexes and conditioning capacity to execute the maneuver that gave you difficulty.


The music of AEROPOWER is set at a measured pace, (140 beats per minute/bpm) with built in rhythmic cues that make this perfect for jumping rope. Listen to the “kick”; the heart beat like thumping within all the music tracks and use them to keep pace. On certain tracks, like the “double turn” you can hear the actual whirring of the rope turning at double speed. Use these cues as performance enhancers.


Surfaces such as wood, rubber, indoor/outdoor carpet even blacktop are GREAT surfaces to jump on. AVOID cement, marble, uneven (turn an ankle) and polished surfaces (surface too hard, slippery when sweat drips)


A pair of cross-trainers with a pair of gel inserts will suffice. If they have ankle support, all-the-better. Try to find a pair with protection under the ball of the feet.


Learning can be a frustrating thing, and sometimes it actually stings too; when the rope hits your legs or back. You can lessen the little discomforts by wearing a thicker shirt or sweat pants until you feel proficient in jumping rope to wear shorts, etc.


The Blizzard is the 2nd incarnation to our expanding line of jump ropes.  Its called the Blizzard for a reason.  It can hit top speeds, yet with the added weight in the handles, it burns more calories in a shorter period of time...faster than any other rope.  This is the apex of jump ropes.  You need this rope if you want to maximize results from working out.


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